Missions Projects

Our Savior UMC & Jolley UMC  supports the Methodist denomination’s many missional offering opportunities. The Women in Faith support many UMW mission projects such as assembling donations of Health, Sewing, School, Layette and Nigerian Kits each year. These items are sent to Midwest mission distribution Center near Springfield, IL.  Midwest Mission Link.

We began Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan’s Purse in 2012 and have sent hundreds of boxes.  This ministry opens up in October and boxes are sent out mid-November.  Many children worldwide have been blessed at Christmas with these boxes Operation Christmas Child Link

We continue to help church/community members in need with benefits (cancer patients, delivery meals on wheels) and meeting transportation needs through the use of Manson Ministerial Association.

Sidewalk Monday School (VBS) began in 2013 and continues to this date.  There are usually a dozen adults that help with upwards of 32-40 children.  This is planned for the Mondays in June and July (Bible Classes then a meal is served).

Our 'Bless a Sidewalk' as you travel to Bible Class on Sunday mornings the Sunday after Labor Day and continuing till the last Sunday in April.  We have longtime teachers and retired public school & parochial school teachers that help/teach children to be Disciples.  Songs, activities, role playing, games (and an occasional paper/pencil time) are part of the curriculum that follows the Lectionary Year (this is a three year rotation).

OSUM Methodist Men are doing all types of projects:  Meals on Wheels, Church facility needs, Scripture Reader, Usher/Greeters, Sidewalk Monday School, Single Moms Ministry, etc. :  unitedmethodistmen.org Link

October Blanket Ministry - Through the Christian World Service organization, funds are collected to purchase blankets for those in need.  Providing shelter, warmth, safety and hope.   CWS Blankets Link

Our Savior Choir and Hand Chime Choir -  Our choirs provide inspiration and support during the 10 am Worship Service.  You are welcome to share any type of musical talent to God's glory during the anthem time, prior or after services.

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