Volunteer Opportunities
Do you like to work with technology?
We are seeking a few individuals to help technology during our services. Get a group of tech Christian buddies and be a part of this dynamic way of sharing the love of Christ to the world.
Please contact Pastor or Beth at the church office 712-469-3510 or
Meals on Wheels Deliverers
OSUM joins other Manson churches to deliver Meals on Wheels. We usually have just one week per month that we are responsible to deliver the meals.
Please contact Pastor or Beth at the church office 712-469-3510 or
Ministry in Stitches
Volunteers meet to knit/crochet/stitch prayer shawls, quilts, socks, etc. These items are shared with those in need of prayer or comfort. Bring your stitching and join us for fellowship and handiwork.
Please contact Pastor, Rita or Beth at the church office 712-469-3510 or
Card Ministry
These creative people use paper and a little glue and lots of creativity to design cards to be purchased by all.
Each card is a unique design and will give comfort to the recipient.
Funds raised by this ministry go towards our mission projects in the area and beyond.
Please contact Pastor, Marge or Beth at the church office 712-469-3510 or

(Wesley & Grace)
United Women of Faith
These women are committed to missions.
Through gifts from members, noisy offering contributions and fundraising UWF has been able to subsidize many area charities: Wings of Refuge, Shesler Hall, Bidwell Riverside, Hawthorn Hill, and School of Christian Mission.
UWF also offers a Women's Retreat in the spring as a renewal and spiritual awakening to those in attendance.
Please contact Pastor, Karen or Beth at the church office 712-469-3510 or
OSUM Choir and/or Hand Chimes
Choir/Hand Chimes meet on Wednesday evenings @ 7 pm.
Please contact Pastor, Jerry or Beth at the church office 712-469-3510 or